Rolling Family
The Handcuff King
Date of birth: |
1961-05-06 |
Born Clay O'Brien Cooper on May 6, 1961, and best known as the pint sized Hardy Fimps in the western coming of age film, The Cowboys (1972); Clay O'Brien became a favorite with John Wayne who appreciated a real cowboy when he met one.
Remaining pint-sized for several years, Clay could be found in pleasant but typical Disneyesque fare throughout the 1970's before he left acting and returned to cowboying full time where his undisputed talent truly lies.
Clay has the respect of cowboys everywhere, holding more Team Roping championships than anyone and is the holder of Seven World titles in Team Roping. Clay's rodeo achievements are impressive by any standard and this mini-bio can not even begin to cover them. Now standing a respectable 6 feet, Clay and his wife Beth have two daughters, Bailey and Quinn.