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The Runaway 1961

Hope and Glory

CVMC: Enrollment Registration Form

If you are already a member, or have enrolled before, LOGIN HERE.

For FREE enrollment, please fill out the following form, include your e-mail address and create a password.

Why do I need to create an enrollment?
Purchases: Creating an enrollment ("Log-in password") is optional for purchases. If you create a log-in password, re-ordering from us will be easier in the future and enable you to use our "quick checkout" system, and to create a "wish list".

Renters: A "log-in password" allows you to quickly rent and maintain your "wish list" for future rental orders or purchases, and use our "quick checkout" system.

First time Movie Renters: Please read our Club Rules, then create an enrollment and add two-desired rental DVD's or VHS tapes to the shopping cart. Our system will identify you as a first time renter . You will also be able to create your own folders for "favorite" or "wish list" movies for future rentals - enjoy the club!

Be sure to turn off Pop-Up Window Blocking on your browser to see the pictures on the CVMC website.

CVMC will not rent, sell or otherwise give away any of the submitted information from the form below. CVMC will not "spam" you or send you unwanted e-mail messages. The e-mail address submitted here is used as a login name to gain access to site features available to registered users only.

Real Name:
* Email:
SPAM BLOCKERS: Many ISPs have started offering their customers spam blockers to cut down on junk email. Trouble is, these mechanisms are not yet very selective and might be blocking e-mail you want. Recently CVMC found this to be the reason a good number of members are not receiving desired e-mails from CVMC. So, if you utilize a spam blocker or will soon be doing so, make certain that is an address you are not blocking. Otherwise, you'll end up missing out on all the latest updates.
* Password:
* Confirm Password:
Phone Number:
Native Language:
Other Languages Spoken:
Verify Age: Check this box if you are 21 years of age or older
Newsletter: Subscribe to Monthly CVMC Newsletter
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* = required fields Since 1997 - Celebrating 24 years! +1 (626) 789-6479