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A Gentleman's Game

The Sign of the Beaver

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Serving Collectors Since 1997!  Film Archival & Transfers services... specializing in rare and out-of-print films from around the globe. 
We offer archival video and dvd's of over 6000 films from collectible sources such as pre-record VHS, laserdiscs and DVDs. With over 25 years of service to collectors worldwide, our service, selection and quality is unbeatable. We seek out and offer the rarest and best genre films on the worldwide market. We also offer a wide variety of transfer, archival and conversion services.  We can archive and convert foreign VHS, or DVD formats to U.S. formats. We stand behind our quality and service. Many of our titles listed in this catalogue are available in the DVD-R format. These are archival prints, NOT factory pre-records so an order may take longer to fulfill. Archival prints are mastered from original masters and out-of-print film prints from International and unreleased sources.   If you are looking for mainstream easily available films we can get them also. However if you are looking for rare and hard-to-find films from all over the world, then you've come to the right place!! We ship all orders via USPS (US Postal Service) Priority Mail and International Priority Mail.

Welcome all visitors from IMDB, forums & Skykid - looking for a film? email us

SSL SECUREWebwiki Review
The oldest movie rental service on the internet -- since 1997. Specializing in rare hard-to-find feature films and documentaries from such respected directors as Alejandro Jodorowsky, Bernardo Bertolucci & Bille August.
"Log-in" is optional for purchases (If you create a log-in re-ordering from us will be easier). Search Box: type in title, actor or country, then hit "enter" on your keyboard. -- Advance Search --

Tales From the Neverending Story TV - Release Date: March 26, 2025

Welcome to CVMC - Celebrating 28 years!
You are visitor #4110604... Discover the often funny, amazing and challenging stories from famous directors & their award-winning films from around the world.
Already a club member: "log-in" and add to cart.

Join our rental club... First time Renters: create an enrollment, then add 2-movies to the shopping cart - - see our Movie Club Rules - -
"Log-in" is optional for purchases (Create a log-in & re-ordering will be easier).

---- 2025 MARCH MADNESS SALE! ----
Savings of up to 80%
... SALE EXPIRES 04-06-2025
Sale DVD's below are in stock and ready to ship NOTE: FREE Media shipping when you purchase 6 or more DVD's from our web site (this postage offer does not include any of our Free DVDs). VALID in USA only! - (USA Media Postage for 1-5 DVD's is $5.25 flat rate per package) Outside the USA see our shipping rates.

C'est pas moi, je le Jure!
Kalle & the Angels
Le Bel Ete 1914
Die Wilden Kerle
Captain Alatriste
Arabian Adventure
DVD's on Sale! ...
Acosada... Carnaval
Andre Valente
Arabian Adventure
A Rozsa Enekei
Artful Dodger
Atunci i-am Condamnat...
Ballad of Lucy Whipple
Bosch & Rockit
Brothers Lionheart
Captain Alatriste
Captains of the Sand
Carnal Sins
C'est pas moi je le Jure
Childhood of Maxim Gorky
Come Next Spring
Der Katzenprinz
Die Wilden Kerle
Die Wilden Kerle 2
Dime with a Halo
Do Gory Nogami
Dolly Bell?
800 Bullets
Hearts in Atlantis
Il Bambino e il Poliziotto
In the Fire
Invisible Boy
Jackass Mail
Joel Delaney
Johnny Rocco
Just Ask My Children
Kalle & the Angels
Katalin Varga
Last of the Redmen
La Vendedora de Rosas
Law of the Canyon
Le Bel Ete 1914
La Boum
Le Revolte des Enfants

Summer House
Mio in the Land of Faraway
The Story of Net
Nickle Children
Tom und Hacke
More Sale DVD's
Little Lips
Macho Dancer
Maximo Oliveros
Mean Creek
Midnight's Child
Mio Land of Faraway
Misunderstood 66
Misunderstood 83
Moritz Lieber Moritz
Mrkacek Ciko
Nickel Children
Perfect Obedience
Piccoli Fuochi
Postcards from America
Reason to Live
Seven Little Foys
Seven of Daran
Short Films of Hale Lytle
Sign of the Otter-FREE!
Sincerely Yours
Sobre Ruedas
Somewhere Darkness
Son of the Navy
Storia de Piera
Storm Luther's Letter
Story of Net
Summer House
The Kids Were Alright
Three Investigators Island
Three Investigators Terror
Tomboy & the Champ
Tommy & the Wildcat
Tom Sawyer 2011
Tom und Hacke
12 & Holding
Who Can Kill a Child
Young Bodies Heal Quickly

--- Must rent 8-DVD's for Free Outgoing Shipping ---
Movie Rentals
 Our Weekly FREE DVD Rental is: The Monster Club - This Free rental to
members in good standing when renting 2-movies or more - must add to cart.
Price adjusted before your card is charged... (Not available to first time renters) -- Free movie changes every 15-days
Priority shipping is $9.95 - Rent 8 or more MOVIES for FREE outgoing Priority Shipping.

Huvasti (Goodbye Soviet Union)
Il Treno Dei Bambini
2. Michael's Drama PICK !
3. Members Fav Coming of Age
Lou Goossens
It was an open casting with 15 boys for 30 minutes that was quite intense.

Il Treno dei Bambini Huvasti, NSVL (Goodbye Soviet Union) The Monster Club - This Week's Free Rental ! Do Not Hesitate Sins of Our Youth Blitz
Chasing Wonders Foxter and Max Apenstreken Love That Boy Frog and Wombat Kids From 62-F
Jackass Mail Oliverio y la Piscina I Don't Love You Anymore Attention, les enfants regardent A Beira do Caminho The Ghost (Prizrak)
Nul Is Nie Niks Nie Legend of the Christmas Witch Changing Ends Jossy's Giants - Season 1 and 2 And You Thought Your Parents Were Weird! The Boy in the Woods
Ronja the Robber's Daughter - Season One 2024 Smil Mand ! Wolfkin Upclose and Intimate - 7 Short Films. Best of Coming of Age Shorts / Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 Young Innozenz, O Inferno and other COA shorts Since 1997 - Celebrating 24 years! +1 (626) 789-6479