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Savage Sam

CVMC: Signing Up Via Fax

Our Fax sign-up has been temporarily discountinued - You may sign-up by calling our office (626) 921-4481 - thanks

In an attempt to make the procedure of opening your CVMC account a bit easier, you may sign up via fax.   Please download the fax-form to your computer, print it out and type or legibly print the following information:

1.  Your name as it appears on your credit card.

2.  Your credit card type and number, including the expiration date.

3.  The address you wish your package to be sent to.

4.  A phone number where you can be reached in case there are any problems with the order.

5.  An e-mail address so that you can be informed of when your package was sent and when it should be returned.

6.  Renters: the 2 films you wish to rent plus a list of 3 alternative titles in case they are not in stock.  Buyers: the list of titles you wish to purchase or get information on.

7.  Please sign the fax-form.

Fax form to: +1 (818) 248-3144 Since 1997 - Celebrating 24 years! +1 (626) 789-6479