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Upclose and Intimate - 7 Short Films.

Thalassa, Thalassa

CVMC: Movie Quality Ratings

Here is how we rate the quality of the films on our web site: (Look for our red arrows)

EXCELLENT: 10 out of 10 -- our top rating. Digital dvd quality or better

EXCELLENT: 9 out of 10 -- usually reserved for older films on dvd. Digital quality is excellent, but the quality of the original film may be a little under, or a laser disc transfer.

VHS VERY GOOD: 8 out of 10 -- the quality is VG+ / This is our best rating for films transferred from another source like PAL or NTSC video.

VHS FAIR: 6 / 7 out of 10 -- (This is our old "5 out of 10" rating.) Extremely rare films not in circulation may receive this rating, depending on the original source material.

VHS POOR: 5 or below, out of 10 -- many rare and hard to find movies are transferred from various sources like 8mm or 16mm film, or bad recordings. We endeavor to replace them when better quality versions become available.

Because we offer so may older and rare films we found that this rating system works well when determing the quality on what you are going to see on your TV. As of yet we do not support Blue Ray or HD movies. Of course all new DVD releases have an excellent quality picture.

MANY OF OUR MOVIES ARE AVAILABLE IN OTHER WORLD FORMATS! For infomation on how to order this movie in PAL, SECAM or other regions, please email us, or state your desired Region in the comment box of the shopping cart during checkout. We will respond immediately to the availability and price of your request before your credit card is charged! Orders of foreign films in other Regions (we are a US company) may take as long as 20 days to arrive from the distributor. All DVD's are guaranteed or money back!
Different countries have different DVD/video formats and players. The United States use what is known as NTSC format; most of Europe uses what is known as PAL format; France and much of the Middle East use a SECAM format (video only). You CANNOT play a PAL or SECAM DVD/video in a NTSC machine, or an NTSC DVD/video in a PAL or SECAM machine, unless you own a multi-player DVD or VHS system.

Refer to the Video & DVD Formats & Conversions page for information on getting titles in your desired format. Since 1997 - Celebrating 24 years! +1 (626) 789-6479