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Les Demons

CVMC: Brandon & CVMC

Early 2005 saw the death of CVMC founder Brandon. It was a shock and unexpected tragedy for us all. CVMC has now moved to California where many new changes are taking place. With the addition of the new films we added, we now have over 6000 movies in our inventory.

I am Michael, the new owner of CVMC, and with experience in video and DVD sales since 1989 I feel I know and understand this unique industry very well. One of the most frequent comments I get is "how impossible it is to find many of these films at local rental stores, or on the internet." If that is so, then I feel I have accomplished my purpose -- to open the wide-world of cinema to everyone. Chris, our programmer, is still on-board and thanks to him we have implemented some new changes, like... An easier to use shopping cart. No need to "request a quote" when purchasing a film -- just add to cart. Free Enrollment to use the web site features and one button check-out for enrolled users (after completing your first rental or purchase). Reduced Membership fee for first-time Renters. Monthly newsletter.

I have tried to keep Brandon's business philosophy intact in all that I do. Your support and help has been wonderful and greatly appreciated during this transition period. It couldn't have been done without your continued loyalty. -- Michael

I am keeping Brandon's bio and information up for a while because he says it so much better than I can....

Brandon: Greetings! Thanks for having an interest in me and my company. Let me tell you a little bit about myself.

Presently, I am thirty-five years old and living in Arizona (United States). I've been a film lover since six years of age, recall that back then I used to sit and stare at the entertainment section of our town's newspaper, fantasize about what the plots of movies my parents considered me too young to see entailed. When I turned ten or so, I just snuck into the ones they wouldn't let me watch. In my late teens, I started developing my own collection, my father finally buying us a VCR.

The dream was always to become a director, yet I ended up studying philosophy in college and then not doing a darn thing with the degree. I worked in a variety of jobs following my graduation but never found anything within these endeavors which I considered in sync with myself. When CVMC first opened its doors on 04-16-97, I was working full-time elsewhere as well as developing this business. After many trials and tribulations, CVMC was finally able to offer me a full-time position. As of today, it is only what I dedicate myself to.

I am fond of all types of movies but have a true love for those which are surrealistic or which are told from the child's point of view (kids, in my opinion, are wonderfully mysterious creatures). While talking to some friends of mine on the internet about a number of my favorite films, it became blatantly apparent to me that not everyone is lucky enough to have a well-stocked video store nearby, that even titles such as Fanny and Alexander (my personal all-time favorite) can be hard finds for those living in rural areas. This was my inspiration for starting CVMC.

So far, the response has been great, but I do need your continued support and help. That means join CVMC if you haven't yet done so, rent a lot, and tell your friends about it. By doing these simple things, I can continue to bring you the finest in entertainment from our young actors and actresses.

Well, that's about all I have to say for now..., except that I look forward to setting up your account and talking film with you.

Best of luck to you on your path through this life! Since 1997 - Celebrating 24 years! +1 (626) 789-6479